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Boost Employee Wellbeing, Engagement & Productivity

Training for HR professionals and wellbeing leads

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Financial stress can obstruct employee productivity

Concerns about finances, the high cost of living, limited financial confidence and a lack of financial skills can hinder your employees from performing at their best. Research shows individuals often lack clear avenues for seeking financial assistance. HR is often the main point of call for employee wellbeing support but HR staff are often not trained on financial wellbeing support.

Research also found

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1 in 5

1 in 5 employees say financial stress negatively impacts their productivity at work


30% of employees attribute reduced productivity to financial worries, costing employers around £192 daily


37% of employees cited financial pressure as the top cause of stress outside of work 

The solution

We provide leadership teams, HR professionals and Wellbeing Leads training to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to embed new processes in support of their staff.



Enhance Your Workforce's Financial Competence

Human resources (HR) is frequently the initial point of contact for employees encountering difficulties or seeking assistance. Although your HR department is likely well prepared to handle various support inquiries, addressing matters relating to financial wellbeing may not be within their expertise. Equipping HR with financial skills is now essential.

Have a Working Financial Wellbeing Policy

A financial wellbeing policy not only underscores your commitment to employee wellbeing but also provides clear guidance on the assistance and resources available to employees encountering financial difficulties. It serves as a tangible demonstration of your organisation's proactive approach to ensuring the financial wellbeing of your employees.


Provide Educational Content and Resources

Delivering workshops, seminars, masterminds or a comprehensive financial wellbeing programme significantly contributes to enhancing your staff's financial wellbeing. Providing educational content and resources can offer practical assistance tailored to your employees' specific financial challenges.

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